Mid Funnel Mastery

The 4-Step Email Course Framework To Create Invoice-Ready Prospects On Autopilot For Your High-Ticket Business

(Sales Calls Have Never Been This Easy)

Are you tired of losing potential clients because your middle funnel is a disaster?

Whether you're just starting your high-ticket freelance career...
Or your high-ticket business is doing $50,000+ per month and you're ready to scale...
This framework is what you need to build an email course that educates & sells while you sleep.

My name is Andrew Madison, and I've:

  • Spent 100's of hours studying email courses from top email marketers & creators

  • Taught 300+ ghostwriters how to build, write and sell Educational Email Courses at Premium Ghostwriting Academy (PGA, Ship 30 For 30's high-ticket course).

"The difference between pitching someone who hasn't gone through {our Educational Email Course} and has is night and day" - Tristan, Closer @ PGA ($1M+ in sales rev)

Want to make sure this free email course is “worth it” before you sign-up?

Here's a peek behind the curtains:

Lesson 1: Do You Spend 30-60 Minutes On Sales Calls? This Lesson Will Slash Your Sales Process In Half.Lesson 2: What To Never Do At The End Of Your Lead Magnet And Why. (If You Do This, Warm Leads Will Unsubscribe Before You Even Pitch Your Offer)Lesson 3: How To Create FOMO-Inducing Pitch Emails That Convert Subs Into Sales Meetings (Without Over Selling)Lesson 4: The Reason Why You Should Always Ask Your Subs For Feedback After They Finish Your Email Course. (And How To Turn The Data Into Easy Sales)BONUS: Even The Best Lead Magnet's Won't Convert 100% Of Subs Into Sales. This Bonus Lesson Helps You Decide Which Nurture Newsletter Is Best For You.

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Mind sparing 30 seconds to help me learn about you, your business and your email marketing goals? This helps me send you more personally relevant content.

🙏 Thanks for taking the time to answer those questions. Now...

In a few minutes, you'll receive an email from me (Andrew Madison) with this subject line: Welcome To Mid Funnel Mastery!Inside, you'll find:
• The Mid Funnel Mastery course agenda
• How to receive Lesson #1 right now (instead of waiting till tomorrow)
See you again shortly!